One of the oldest carousels in the nation—and the only one with a working Monster Military Band Organ—it delights a new generation of patrons, recreating the pleasures of time past.
With the help of the entire community, and the friends of the carousel animals, all donation funds go straight to ensuring that this historic landmark is maintained and up to date on repairs. We appreciate all our donors, which keep our doors open!
Contribute with PayPal or
we gladly accept checks, made payable to:
Kit Carson County Carousel Association.
PO Box 259
Stratton, CO 80836
$100 = Keep the Drums Drumming and Your Toes Tapping
The 1909 Wurlitzer Monster Military Band Organ's snare drum and cymbal are still beating to the tunes being churned out on the 155 Style paper music rolls.
$50 = The Inside Menagerie
Help us bring an additional PTC Carousel figure to the museum. It'll join its wooden friends on a raised platform in the museum and assist in helping our visitors understand the importance of keeping the stories of our nation's carousels alive.
$20 = If Only This Flower Could Talk
110 years ago, a skilled artisan carefully painted each of our forty-six carousel figures. 95% of that original paint still exists, but thousands of riders each season means that careful museum quality touch-ups must take place when the season is over.
$5 = Maintain the Popcorn Cart
This limited edition 1960's large popcorn wagon is a replica of a 1905 Cretors Model C popcorn wagon. The Carousel Association has only been able to complete limited restoration work on the wagon due to other restoration needs and limited funding.